Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is often added at the last minute of cooking. It can be difficult to add turmeric to a recipe without staining clothes or surfaces. In India, turmeric roots are ground with other spices to form a spice blend called masala curry powder. Read on to learn more. But first, let’s cover the basics of this spice:

The curcumin in turmeric powder benefits our bodies in a number of ways. Inflammation is necessary to fight off harmful invaders and repairs damage caused by viruses and bacteria, but long-term inflammation is also linked to a number of chronic conditions, and we need to control it. Turmeric contains strong anti-inflammatory properties, and curcumin blocks inflammatory molecules in our body. This prevents inflammation from causing a number of negative effects, including joint pain.
Anti-inflammatory properties
When mixed with yogurt or aloe vera gel, turmeric is an effective home remedy for inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory properties help the skin regenerate and lighten stretch marks. It also regulates the sebaceous gland’s secretion of sebum, which can reduce greasiness. For a more topical application, mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with organic honey. Finally, apply to the affected area for about 25 minutes.
Blood pressure lowering
Although the exact mechanisms for how turmeric reduces blood pressure are not well understood, the results of animal studies do not necessarily translate to humans. It is believed to help reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels, but more research is needed before it is deemed safe for human consumption. For instance, high blood pressure can lead to changes in platelet activity in the blood.
These changes can lead to blood clots clogging arteries and restricting the flow of blood from the heart to the rest of the body. However, turmeric has been shown to prevent the formation of clots in the blood, and can therefore help control blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. People with high blood pressure should avoid overdose of turmeric, however, as it may cause nausea and upset stomach. Furthermore, people with gallstones or an obstruction in the bile duct should limit turmeric
Boosting BDNF levels
High levels of BDNF in the brain are important for maintaining overall health. BDNF is produced by the brain and a deficiency can lower the amount of it. Fortunately, supplementation with curcumin can boost levels of the neurotransmitter. In a study, conducted by researchers at the University of Westminster, taking turmeric powder for six weeks increased levels of BDNF in 155 healthy individuals.
Aside from the numerous culinary and medicinal uses, turmeric has many health benefits. For one, it lowers cholesterol levels. Turmeric increases HDL and reduces total LDL cholesterol levels. Moreover, it is beneficial for wounds. Turmeric contains phenolic compounds, which are powerful natural antiseptics and antibiotics. Besides being an effective disinfectant, turmeric has also been used as a remedy for diabetes and metabolic syndrome.