Food additives can enhance taste, extend the shelf life of a product, and even lower the risk of foodborne illness. They also prevent fats and oils from becoming rancid or developing an off-flavor. Furthermore, they prevent cut fruits from turning brown. All of these benefits make food additives essential for the production of quality products.
Enhances taste
Food additives, such as salt and sugar, are used to enhance the taste and smell of food. They help add additional tastes to foods, such as umami, and improve their palatability. However, these substances do not alter the other ingredients in the food, and they should not be used as the sole source of flavor.

Sodium-containing compounds suppress the bitter tastes of foods. They have been used to improve the taste and sweetness of other food components, including sugar and urea. These enhancers also suppress the bitter taste of caffeine and magnesium sulfate, which are present in a number of foods.
Extends shelf life
Food additives are used to prolong the life of food products. They help to preserve their flavour, texture, and appearance. Besides preserving food products, these additives also help businesses extend their sales season and geographical reach. However, consumers should understand the effects of these additives. By reading labels and learning about the chemicals that are used, consumers can make better choices and save money.
Food additives are essential for a healthier, more affordable, and safer food supply. Without additives, food would spoil too quickly, requiring frequent trips to the grocery store and costing consumers more money. This is why shelf life is an important characteristic of healthy food products. Adding preservatives to foods increases their shelf life and is a vital part of making food products that are safe for consumption.
Reduces risk of cancer
Food plays a large role in the prevention and treatment of some cancers. Foods that are rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are associated with decreased risks of cancer. However, some foods are more harmful than others. For example, processed meats and red meats can contribute to the development of cancer. They also contribute to excess caloric intake, which can lead to obesity.
Consuming five or more servings of vegetables daily can reduce the risk of cancer. The effect is stronger in older subjects and is linked to several nutrients, including folic acid.
Helps lose weight
Some food additives can cause weight gain and obesity. Brominated vegetable oil is an example, commonly found in sodas, baked goods and coffee. This chemical is not only bad for the body, but it also has been linked to fatigue and memory loss. Evaporated cane juice is another common food additive, but it has been linked to a number of health problems. It contains little difference from sugar and can be dangerous to your waistline. MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is another additive you should avoid. MSG blocks the hormones that tell your body when you are full.
Improves nutrition
Food additives make food more appealing to consumers and can help improve the nutritional value of your meals. Examples include artificial colors and flavors. These ingredients are added in small amounts, but can have an enormous impact on the quality of your food. The FDA has strict regulations for the use of food colorings. The colors must be used to enhance the look of food, and not to misrepresent it.
Food additives can also be used to improve the shelf life of canned goods. Salt, vinegar, and citric acid are common preservation agents. Canned foods can be stored for longer periods of time, and are therefore cheaper than fresh produce. In addition, mono and di-glycerides of fatty acids are often used to coat fresh fruits and vegetables. These additives can improve their shelf life and maintain the quality of the product during storage and transportation. Some people are also sensitive to the presence of certain chemicals.