Category: Health Care

Prescription Pain Relief Deaths on the Rise

Opioids are a commonly recognized group of pain relief prescription drugs, with names like hydrocodone (Vicodin®), morphine, oxycodone (Oxycontin®), propoxyphen (Darvon®), and hydromorphone (Dilaudid®). Methadone is another such pain …

Ostarine (SARM) Detection Time

In this article we will be looking at Ostarine detection time and the impact this will have on users. Depending on whether you are using Ostarine for personal use, …

Herbs for Cataracts

Herbs are a simple and natural way to help prevent cataracts, but have also been shown to help moderate the condition. Certain medicinal herbs can help to slow and …

Five Practically Unknown Detox Facts

I’m assuming that if you’re reading this you intend on starting a health cleanse or detoxification. Personally, I enjoy starting my health cleanse by doing a 48-hour fast, followed …